Admissions Requirements

内布拉斯加州大学校董会为首次入学的新生制定了最低入学要求. These requirements may not pertain to policies for transfer, international, readmission or non- degree students.

1. Assured Admission: Graduates of an accredited high school, homeschool, 或者通识教育文凭必须同时满足核心课程要求和下面列出的入学要求.

Core Course Requirements: 学生必须成功完成16个单元的选定高中课程. A unit is equivalent to a one-year high school class.

Core Course Requirements
English 4 All units must include intensive reading and writing. 
Mathematics 3 Must include Algebra I, Algebra II and Geometry 
Social Science 3 At least one unit of American and/or World History, one additional unit of History, American Government, and/or Geography; and a third unit of any Social Science discipline or subject. 
Natural Science 3 从生物、化学、物理和地球科学中选择至少两门. One of the units must include laboratory instruction. 
World Language 2 Units must be in the same language. 不能在高中上两年世界语言课程的学生可以用额外的英语课程来代替, Math or Science.
Academic Elective 1 One unit chosen from any of the above academic disciplines. Preferably Mathematics


Performance Requirements: 除了满足上述核心课程要求外,一年级申请者还应:

  • Score 20 or higher on the ACT.
  • 或者,在SAT批判性阅读和数学部分的总分达到1040分或更高.
  • 或者,在高中毕业班名列前半名.
  • Or, have a 3.0 cumulative high school grade point average.

A freshman student must complete the following requirements:

a. Application Form - complete an online application and submit the $45.00 non-refundable admissions application fee to:

     Office of Admissions
     University of Nebraska at Kearney
     2510 11th Avenue
     Kearney, NE 68849

b.  Transcripts -毕业后需要提供反映高中毕业日期的最终成绩单和累积GPA. At the time of application, 你将被允许自我报告高中课程和GPA, 并鼓励上传第六学期(大三结束)的成绩单.


2. Admission by Review 

不符合所有入学标准的申请人可能会被考虑通过审查入学. 每个申请人都将由大学代表委员会进行个人审查并考虑录取. The student's cumulative high school grade point average, class rank, ACT/SAT成绩和在核心课程要求中获得的成绩都被认为是入学评估和决定的主要因素. 学生可能会被要求提供高中辅导员或校长的推荐信以及教育目的声明. 未达到16门核心课程要求和/或高中班级排名低于第三四分之一的学生将被鼓励在进入正规博彩平台之前参加社区学院以加强他们的学习成绩. 正规博彩平台与当地社区学院密切合作,以确定转移和满足入学要求的课程.

所有通过审查录取的学生都将被监控学业成绩,直到他们满足入学条件. 有学术课程缺陷的学生将被要求签署入学审查协议,并通过在正规博彩平台尝试的前48个学期内成功完成每个缺陷领域的经批准的大学水平课程来弥补任何核心课程缺陷. 符合核心课程要求但不符合成绩要求的学生,可能需要参加大学基础课程.


3. Admission of Students with a GED (General Education Diploma)

完成同等学术培训(如GED)的申请人将被考虑通过审查录取. 申请人应提交正式成绩单,反映所有高中或中学后完成的工作,ACT或SAT成绩(如果年龄在21岁以下),以及GED分数和GED证书的副本. 在未完成所有16门核心课程要求的情况下被录取的学生将被要求在正规博彩平台入学的前24小时内成功完成每个缺陷领域的批准大学水平课程. 


4. Homeschool Students

a. Application Form - complete an online application and submit the $45.00 non-refundable admissions application fee to:

     Office of Undergraduate Recruitment and Admissions
     University of Nebraska at Kearney
     2510 11th Avenue, Kearney, NE 68849

b.  Transcripts -毕业后需要提供反映高中毕业日期的最终成绩单和累积GPA. At the time of application, 你将被允许自我报告高中课程和GPA, 并鼓励上传第六学期(大三结束)的成绩单.


5. Admission of Students who are over age 21
不符合以上条件的21岁以上新生,准予入学, but present evidence of ability to do university work, may be considered for special admission. Applicants must be graduates from an accredited high school, homeschool, or have the General Education Diploma (GED). Refer to the first page for required documentation. ACT or SAT scores are NOT required. 


6. Transfer Students

  • Be a graduate of a regionally accredited high school, homeschool or have the general education diploma (GED).
  • 在之前就读的院校中表现良好,成绩达到2分.0 or above GPA. 如果你在高中毕业后完成了24个或更多的可转移学期,从一个地区认可的大学机构, 你被认为已经达到了入学所需的高中核心课程要求.  记录和注册办公室将确定您以前大学可接受的“可转移”学分的数量。.
  • 如果你在高中毕业后从地区认可的大学机构完成的可转换课程少于24个学期,你必须满足高中核心课程的要求. These cover the areas of English (four years), math (three years), social studies (three years), world language (two years, same language), and an elective (one year). 


Statement of Policy 

内布拉斯加大学科尔尼分校宣布并确认教育和就业机会平等的政策, affirmative action in employment, 以及在向公众提供服务时的歧视. Therefore, 内布拉斯加大学科尔尼分校不得基于种族歧视任何人, age, color, disability, religion, sex (including sexual harassment) sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, martial status, or Vietnam-era veteran status.

Office of Admissions
University of Nebraska at Kearney
2510 11th Avenue
Kearney, NE 68849